Calculate single shear lug margins with ease. Account for bushings quickly, then export your lug results. It’s credit card or personal information required!
Create nonlinear stress-strain curves with minimal input. Get tabular output of multiple elastic and plastic parameters. Export data to Excel. Compare engineering stresses and strains to true stresses and strains. All with the Free version!
Perform simple beam analysis quickly. Get reaction forces and create shear-moment diagrams with ease. Its credit card or personal information required!
Analyze a hole in a composite laminate to generate membrane loading fields. Assess angle of the bolt loading, biaxial and shear loads, and effect of biaxial far field bypass loading. Its credit card or personal information required!
Calculate multiple cross-sectional properties using 2D finite element analysis. Determine sectional stresses, strains and more with ease. Its credit card or personal information required!
Calculate basic laminate stiffnesses quickly. Assess stiffness variations between multiple laminate layups with varying material properties with ease, then export your results to Excel! Its credit card or personal information required!
Calculate two-dimensional bolt force distributions quickly. Specify both bolt pattern geometry and quantity with ease, then export solutions to clipboard. Its credit card or personal information required!
CrippXross provides the engineer with a preliminary design and analysis capability to perform a quick and simple crippling analysis of a single stiffener.